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Access to information and public participation: evaluating the implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Europe 16.07.2024

Scientific article analyses how different countries in Europe have implemented the Aarhus Convention concerning access to environmental information and public participation in environmental decision-making.

International donors as agents of policy transfer in influencing water legislation: The adoption of the river basin principle by transition economies in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia 29.04.2024

Scientific article examines the case of 11 transition economies from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia to study the role of the international donor community in exporting the Integrated Water Resources Management concept, along with its key river basin principle, into national legislation.

Tänavakommentaar SÜKU võidutööle 15.07.2023

Võidutöö on tore. Tegelikult on kõik arhitektid head tööd teinud. Müts maha nende ees, et on välja mõeldud väga lahedad lahendused. Sellegipoolest arvan, et siia parki ei peaks maja tulema, aga selles pole arhitektid süüdi.